C. HUMAN MUSCLES [O = Origin; I = Insertion; A = Action] You must be logged in to Mc-Graw Hill Connect for animation videos to work on actions.
1. Orbicularis oris
Sphincter around mouth
A = Closes and protrudes lips: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=11
2. Orbicularis oculi
Sphincter around eye
A = Closes eyelids: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=10
3. Zygomaticus (major & minor)
O = Zygomatic bone
I = Angle of mouth
A = Raise angle of mouth; smile
4. Risorius
O = Fascia of masseter muscle
I = Angle of mouth
A = Draws angle of mouth laterally as in tenseness
5. Buccinator
O = Alveoli of mandible and maxillae
I = Orbicularis oris
A = Compress cheek; blowing and sucking: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8672
6. Platysma
O = Fascia over deltoid and pectoralis major muscles
I = Mandible, skin of chin and cheek
A = Depress mandible; draws lip downward as in pouting; tightens and wrinkles skin of neck: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8685
7. Frontalis
O = Galea aponeurotica
I = Skin and muscles of forehead
A = Raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead, draws scalp foreword: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8
8. Occipitalis
O = Occipital bone
I = Galea aponeurotica
A = Draws scalp backward
*1. Masseter
O = Zygomatic arch
I = Ramus of mandible
A = Elevates mandible: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8683
2. Temporalis
O = Temporal line
I = Coronoid process of mandible
A = Elevates and retracts mandible: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8691
3. Digastric (floor of the oral cavity)
O = Hyoid bone
I = Inner surface of lower border of mandible (chin); mastoid process of temporal bone
A = Elevates hyoid and larynx, depresses mandible
*1. Sternocleidomastoid
O = Sternum and clavicle
I = Mastoid process of temporal bone
A = If both sides contract, it flexes the neck; if one side contracts, it rotates the head towards the opposite side
2. Splenius capitis
O = Ligamentum nuchae and spines of C7-T4 vertebrae
I = Occipital bone and mastoid process of temporal bone
A = Both sides extend head; one side rotates head to the same side as the contracting muscle
1. Serratus anterior
O = First 9 ribs
I = Vertebral border of scapula, ventral side
A = Abducts scapula: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8688
2. Pectoralis minor
O = Ribs 3-5
I = Coracoid process of scapula
A = Depresses scapula; protracts scapula
3. Rhomboideus (major & minor)
O = Spines of C7-T5 vertebrae
I = Vertebral border of scapula
A = Adducts scapula: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8686
*4. Trapezius
O = Occipital bone, ligamentum nuchae, spines of C7-T12
I = Clavicle, acromion, and spine of scapula
A = Elevates (upper portion) or depresses (lower portion) scapula; adducts scapula, extends head: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8693
*1. Pectoralis major
O = Clavicle, sternum, costal cartilages of ribs 2-6
I = Greater tubercle of humerus
A = Flexes, adducts, and medially rotates arm: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8684
*2. Latissimus dorsi
O = Spinous processes of T7 through all lumbar through sacrum, posterior iliac crest, lumbodorsal fascia
I = Intertubercular groove of humerus
A = Extends, adducts and medially rotates arm: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8682
*3. Deltoid
O = Clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula
I = Deltoid tuberosity of humerus
A = Abducts arm: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=3
*4. Supraspinatus
O = Supraspinous fossa
I = Greater tubercle of humerus
A = Abducts arm: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8690
*5. Infraspinatus
O = Infraspinous fossa
I = Greater tubercle of humerus
A = Rotates arm laterally: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8681
*6. Subscapularis
O = Subscapular fossa
I = Lesser tubercle of humerus
A = Rotates arm medially: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8689
7. Teres major
O = Inferior angle of scapula
I = Intertubercular groove of humerus
A = Medial rotates and adducts arm: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8692
8. Teres minor
O = Lateral (axillary) border of scapula
I = Greater tubercle of humerus
A = Rotates arm laterally
*1. Biceps brachii
O = Above the glenoid fossa; coracoid process of scapula
I = Radial tuberosity
A = Flexes forearm (elbow) and supinates forearm: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=4
2. Brachialis
O = Anterior surface of humerus
I = Coronoid process of ulna
A = Flexes forearm: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8671
*3. Triceps brachii
O = Long head-below glenoid fossa; Lateral head-lateral and posterior shaft of humerus proximally; Medial head- posterior surface of humerus distally
I = Olecranon process of ulna
A = Extends forearm (elbow): https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8694
4. Supinator
O = Lateral epicondyle of humerus
I = Lateral surface of proximal radius
A = Supinates forearm
5. Pronator teres
O = Medial epicondyle of humerus; coronoid process of ulna
I = Middle of the lateral surface of radius
A = Pronates forearm
6. Pronator quadratus
O = Distal ulna (anterior)
I = Distal radius (anterior)
A = Pronates forearm
*1. Flexor carpi radialis
O = Medial epicondyle of humerus
I = Ventral surface of metacarpals II, III
A = Flexes and abducts palm
2. Flexor carpi ulnaris
O = Medial epicondyle of humerus; upper dorsal border of ulna
I = Base of metacarpal III-V
A = Flexes and adducts palm
3. Palmaris longus
O = Medial epicondyle of humerus
I = Palmar aponeurosis
A = Flexes palm
4. Flexor digitorum superficialis
O = Medial epicondyle of humerus, coronoid process of ulna, anterior surface of radius
I = Ventral surface of middle phalanges 2-5
A = Flexes phalanges: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8676
5. Flexor digitorum profundus
O = Anterior medial surface of ulna
I = Ventral surface of distal phalanges 2-5
A = Flexes phalanges: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8676
6. Extensor carpi radialis (longus)
O = Lateral epicondyle of humerus
I = Dorsal surface of metacarpal II
A = Extends and abduct palm
7. Extensor carpi ulnaris
O = Lateral epicondyle of humerus
I = Metacarpal V
A = Extends and adducts palm
*8. Extensor digitorum
O = Lateral epicondyle of humerus
I = Dorsal surface of phalanges
A = Extends phalanges and palm: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8673
*1. Gluteus maximus
O = Iliac crest, sacrum, coccyx
I = Gluteal tuberosity of femur
A = Extends thigh (hip joint) and laterally rotates thigh: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8677
2. Gluteus medius
O = Ilium
I = Greater trochanter of femur
A = Abducts and medially rotates thigh: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8678
3. Gluteus minimus
O = Ilium
I = Greater trochanter of femur
A = Abducts and medially rotates thigh
4. Tensor fasciae latae
O = Iliac crest (anterior part)
I = Lateral fascia of tibia
A = Tenses lateral fascia, flexes thigh (hip) and abducts thigh
*5. Adductor longus
O = Pubis
I = Linea aspera of femur
A = Adducts thigh
6. Adductor magnus
O = Pubis and ischium
I = Linea aspera of femur
A = Adducts thigh: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8668
7. Adductor brevis {Note: Adductor magnus & brevis are collectively called Adductor femoris in mink.}
O = Pubis
I = Linea aspera of femur
A = Adducts thigh
*1. Quadriceps femoris:
*Rectus femoris
O = Anterior inferior iliac spine
I = Tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
A = Extends leg (knee), flexes thigh (hip)
*Vastus lateralis
O = Greater trochanter and lateral to linea aspera of femur
I = Tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
A = Extends leg
*Vastus medialis
O = Medial to linea aspera of femur
I = Tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
A = Extends leg
*Vastus intermedius
O = Anterior surface of femur
I = Tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
A = Extends leg
*2. Hamstrings:
*Biceps femoris
O = Ischial tuberosity and linea aspera
I = Lateral condyle of tibia and head of fibula
A = Flexes leg (knee), extends thigh (hip)
O = Ischial tuberosity
I = Medial surface of proximal tibia
A = Flexes leg and extends thigh
O = Ischial tuberosity
I = Medial condyle of tibia
A = Flexes leg and extends thigh
3. Gracilis
O = Pubis
I = Medial surface of tibia below condyle
A = Flexes leg and adducts thigh
4. Sartorius
O = Anterior superior iliac spine
I = Medial surface of proximal tibia
A = Flex thigh and leg, rotate thigh laterally: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8687
1. Tibialis anterior
O = Lateral condyle and body of tibia
I = Metatarsal I
A = Dorsiflex foot
*2. Extensor digitorum longus
O = Lateral condyle of tibia, anterior surface of fibula
I = Dorsal surfaces of phalanges 2-5
A = Extends toes, dorsiflexes foot
3. Peroneus longus = Fibularis longus
O = Lateral condyle of tibia, head of fibula
I = Ventral surface of metatarsal I
A = Plantar flexes and everts foot: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8675
*4. Gastrocnemius
O = Above lateral and medial condyles of femur
I = Calcaneus by way of Achilles tendon
A = Plantar flexes foot and flexes leg at knee: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=1
5. Soleus
O = Posteromedial tibia; Head of fibula
I = Calcaneus by way of Achilles tendon
A = Plantar flexes foot
*6. Flexor digitorum longus
O = Posterior surface of tibia
I = Distal phalanges 2-5
A = Flexes toes and plantar flexes foot
*1. External abdominal oblique
O = Lower 8 ribs
I = Linea alba and iliac crest
A = Compresses abdomen; flexes or bends spine; depresses ribs: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8674
2. Internal abdominal oblique
O = Iliac crest and thoracolumbar fascia
I = Linea alba and lower ribs
A = Compresses abdomen, flexes or bends spine; depresses ribs: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=8674
3. Transversus abdominis
O = Iliac crest, lumbar fascia and costal cartilage of lower ribs
I = Linea alba and pubis
A = Compresses abdomen
*4. Rectus abdominis
O = Xiphoid process and costal cartilages of ribs 5-7
I = Symphysis pubis
A = Compresses abdomen, flexes vertebral column, and depresses ribs: https://anatomy.mheducation.com/html/apr.html?animal=human&id=12
1. Diaphragm
O = Xiphoid process, costal cartilages of ribs 4-10 and lumbar vertebrae
I = Central tendon of diaphragm
A = Increases size of thoracic cavity for breathing
*2. External intercostals
O = One rib
I = Next rib
A = Breathing [elevates ribs]
*3. Internal intercostals
O = One rib
I = Next rib
A = Breathing [depresses ribs]
1. Erector spinae
Iliocostalis (most lateral)
O = Iliac crest and ribs
I = Ribs
A = Extends the vertebral column and bends it laterally
Longissimus (intermediate)
O = Transverse processes of lumbar, thoracic and lower cervical vertebrae
I = Transverse processes of the vertebrae above the vertebra of origin, plus the mastoid process of the temporal bone
A = Extends vertebral column
Spinalis (medial)
O = Spinous process of lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae
I = Spinous process of upper thoracic vertebrae
A = Extends the vertebral column