I. Anatomical terminology
A. Anatomy, gross anatomy, physiology
Study of structure, macroscopic structure, function
B. 6 Levels of organization
Chemical, Cell, Tissue, Organ, System, Organism
C. Anatomical position
Standing erect, arms by side, palms facing forward
D. Directional terms
1. Lateral/medial
Away/towards midline axis
2. Proximal/distal
Towards/away from point of origin
3. Anterior [ventral]/posterior [dorsal]
Front[belly side]/back [back side]
4. Superior [cranial]/inferior [caudal]
Above [towards head]/below [towards tail]
5. Superficial [external]/deep [internal]
6. Ipsilateral/contralateral/bilateral
Same side/opposite side/both sides
E. Planes/sections
1. Sagittal, midsagittal
Left & right portions
2. Transverse (cross)
Superior & inferior portions
3. Frontal (coronal)
Anterior & posterior portions
F. Cavities
1. Dorsal
a. Cranial
Contains brain
b. Vertebral
Contains spinal cord
2. Ventral (viscera)
a. Thoracic {diaphragm}
Contains heart, lungs
b. Abdominal
Contains liver, stomach, intestines
c. Pelvic
Contains reproductive and urinary structures
II. Homeostasis
Balance, dynamic equilibrium
A. Sensors, control center, effectors
B. Positive/negative feedback loops