Sample Laboratory Objectives for BIO 3220 Assignment

Sample Lab Objectives BIO 3220

Chapter 3

2 points 1. Classify Amphioxus (=Branchiostoma) in the appropriate phylum and subphylum.

 Chapter 14

2 points 1. Classify lampreys in the appropriate phylum and subphylum.

2 points 2. What is the difference between the terms myotome and myomere?

Identify, Label, and Color the following structures on a bony fish skeleton (Chapter xx) using the illustrations provided:

29 points possible. 1 point for correct identification of each structure.  1 point for coloring all portions of each structure.  1 point per picture for a total of 4 points for 1 pair of directional terms not already listed in the illustration. 1 point for overall neatness of submission.

1)Operculum, 2) Maxilla, 3) Rib, 4) Caudal fin, 5) Pectoral fin, 6)Pelvic fin, 7)Orbit, 8)Neural spine = Spinous process, 9)Hemal spine, 10)Anal fin, 11)Dentary, 12)Caudal vertebrae.

Identify, Label, and Color the following structures on a human skeleton (Chapter xx) using the illustrations provided:

52 points possible. 1 point for correct identification of each structure.  1 point for coloring all portions of each structure.  1 point per picture for a total of 4 points, for 1 pair of directional terms not already listed in the illustration. 1 point per picture for overall neatness of submission.

Skull: 1)Styloid process, 2)Coronal suture, 3)Zygomatic, 4)Frontal, 5)Parietal, 6)Occipital 7)Temporal, 8)Mastoid process.

Pectoral Girdle and Appendage: 1)Clavicle:  2)Sternal end, 3)Acromial end. 4)Humerus: 5 & 6) Medial and lateral epicondyles, 7)Head, 8)Olecranon fossa, 9)Deltoid tuberosity.

Pelvic Girdle and Appendage: 1)Os coxa: 2)Anterior superior iliac spine, 3)Posterior superior iliac spine, 4)Ischial tuberosity, 5)Greater sciatic notch.

Fish Illustration

Human Skeleton Illustration

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