Skeletal Muscle Physiology Review Sheet


Date _______________________________ (This assignment is due during your very next lab period, Brain.)


  1. Myosin is also known as the thick myofilament OR thin myofilament. Choose one.


  1. Which myofilament has a calcium-binding site?


  1. Define sarcomere.




  1. What is the role of T tubules in contraction?




  1. Name the skeletal muscle organelle that stores calcium ions.



  1. What is the term for the myosin head flexing into a bend, and pulling the actin myofilament along with it?




  1. A condition in which stimuli occur so rapidly that there are no intervening relaxations between contractions is called                                                   .

8. Which of the following would contribute to muscular fatigue in the muscle fiber?

  1. Depletion of neurotransmitter
  2. A fragile emotional state of the person
  3. Depletion of ATP reserves
  4. Blocked receptors in the sarcolemma


  1. Aerobic respiration is very efficient because it can yield as many as _________________ ATP molecules per glucose molecule metabolized.

10. Curare blocks acetylcholine receptors at the motor end plate. This would result in:

  1. Inability of the muscle fiber to respond to nervous stimulation
  2. Increased muscle stimulation
  3. Increased acetylcholinesterase production
  4. Lack of calcium uptake by the muscle fiber


  1. Refer to this illustration and identify:

A – ____________

B – ____________

C – ____________

D – ____________

E – ____________



  1. Name the chemical that crosses the neuromuscular junction leading to skeletal muscle contraction.


  1. Does the all-or-none response to muscle contraction refer to the entire muscle (e.g. deltoid muscle) OR the individual myofiber (muscle cell). Choose one.


  1. Draw a single muscle twitch. Label the X and Y axes, and label the Lag=Latent period, the Contraction period, and the Relaxation period.