Objectives-4, BIO 2310, Autonomic Nervous System


1. Compare the structural and functional differences between the somatic efferent and autonomic portions of the nervous system.

2. Identify the principal structural features of the autonomic nervous system.

3. Name 3 types of collateral or prevertebral autonomic ganglia in the sympathetic division.

4. Define white ramus communicans and gray ramus communicans.

5. Define splanchnic nerve.

6. Name the 2 divisions of the A.N.S. Generally, how do their functions differ?

7. Describe the anatomy of the sympathetic division. What is the sympathetic trunk = sympathetic chain ganglia?

8. Describe the anatomy of the parasympathetic division.

9. What structure does not have a postganglionic neuron?

10. Compare the length of axons in the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions. Which division has more divergence?

11. Define cholinergic and adrenergic. Classify autonomic nerve fibers in each division as cholinergic or adrenergic.

12. Describe the various autonomic receptors.

13. Explain the role of the hypothalamus and its relationship to the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.

14. The drug atropine causes what effects to the A.N.S.?

15. Describe the effects of parasympathetic and sympathetic stimulation (heart, lungs, digestion, pupil, sweat glands, adrenal medulla, cutaneous blood vessels, abdominal blood vessels, skeletal muscle blood vessels, bladder).