1. Define anatomy, gross anatomy, physiology, cytology and histology.
2. List the 6 levels of structural organization of the human body and give an example of each.
3. Describe anatomical position.
4. Define the following directional terms: Medial, lateral, proximal, distal, anterior, posterior, superior, inferior, external, internal, superficial, deep, ventral, dorsal, cranial, caudal, palmer, plantar, ipsilateral, bilateral, and contralateral.
5. Define the following planes: Transverse (cross), sagittal, mid-sagittal, frontal (coronal).
6. Name and describe the location of the major body cavities. Briefly describe their contents.
7. Review the structure of a cell (plasma) membrane.
8. Define selectively permeable as it relates to the cell.
9. Describe diffusion, osmosis, solute, solvent, solution, osmotic pressure, milliosmole, facilitated diffusion, filtration, active transport, Na+/K+ pump, endocytosis, phagocytosis, and exocytosis.
10. Define tonicity. Describe what would happen to a RBC if placed in an isotonic, hypertonic, or hypotonic solution.
11. Define and give an example of homeostasis.
12. Explain the nature of negative and positive feedback loops and how they help to maintain homeostasis.
13. Describe the 4 major types of body tissues.
14. Explain how epithelium and connective tissue combine to form 4 different types of membranes; specify the functions of each type.