- Prerequisite is BIO 1080/90, BIO 1081/91, BIO 2400 and Junior or Senior Level standing. Students must also be Biology majors, pre-medical or pre-physician assistant students, and have a minimum GPA of 3.3
Key Personnel:
- -Faculty Advisor: Dr. Clare Hays, (303) 615-0777, SI 2032, [email protected] (email is preferred); fax is (303) 556-6426
-Classroom to Career Hub – Internships: (303) 615-1333, 325 ADMIN, Email is [email protected] and contact is Cassie Mullin, [email protected]
-UCH Volunteer Coordinator: Jennifer Ricklefs at 720-848-4068, [email protected], or Melissa Strickland at 720-848-4070, [email protected]
Qualifications for Internship:
§ Must be a Metro Student
§ Must have a declared MSU Biology major
§ Must have at least a 3.3 MSU cumulative GPA
§ Must be at least a junior status or 60+ credit hours completed and/or transferred into Metro.
§ If you are a transfer student, you must complete at least one semester here at MSU before registering for the program
§ You must be able to complete about 100 hours of volunteering at the hospital for the semester. This is 6-7 hours per week.
If you meet the above qualifications:
First, Contact Dr. Hays and receive approval.
You apply through the MSU Denver Classroom to Career Hub after confirming the position with Dr. Hays. Log into Career Link, which is located in the Student Hub (msudenver.edu/studenthub) towards the bottom of the page. Use your MSU Denver single sign-on credentials. In the left hand navigation menu, click Internship Credit. Fill out the form until all asterisked items in the form are filled out. Refer to these Specific Learning Objectives when filling out your credit application. The form will be signed electronically by typing your name and submitting it. Approval is needed by student, C2Hub, Dr. Hays, Employer and Dr. Gagliardi-Seeley (Chair of Biology). Once the approval process is complete, Dr. Gagliardi-Seeley will enter an override to allow you to register and notify you that you may now register for the course. Here is more detail on the C2Hub application process: Internship Process, self register
If approved by Dr. Hays and you have submitted the C2Hub internship application, you will be instructed to fill out the Adult Volunteer Application through UCH’s website: https://uclive.vsyslive.com/pages/start
Make sure to say in the comments section that you are part of the MedVantage program at MSU Denver. You will need to include 2 references and complete a background check before starting the internship. Your internship will begin with orientation and training. Refer to this link for more about UCH’s volunteer program: https://www.uchealth.org/give-to-uchealth/volunteer/ You are required to complete 90 hours of volunteer work for this internship. Opportunities are very limited on weekends and evenings. It is highly recommended that you request a broad initial area in which to volunteer such as the Emergency Department or Day Surgery since these areas see a variety of cases. You are welcome to contact the UCH volunteer coordinator to volunteer in other areas during the semester depending on the available openings. This is encouraged in order to broaden your view of the medical field. Your volunteer work will be primarily with nurses and assistants. There is a possibility of shadowing a physician, but this is a separate program. If you are interested in this, contact your volunteer coordinator at UCH and see if there are any available spots in shadowing. If you are able to do the shadowing, it will count towards your 90 hours for the internship. You need to find a physician on your own to take advantage of the shadowing opportunity.
The paperwork for this internship needs to be finalized a month before the start of the semester during which you will be registered. Any delays on your part, could result in you being eliminated from this internship.
- A total of 3 papers are required for the internship. Two of the papers are 1-2 page clinical reports of a medical procedure, disease, or type of therapy observed at the internship. The student must research the paper and include the references (at least one) in a bibliography. Depending on the chosen topic, the paper might include: Definitions of new terms, anatomical applications, physiological principles, signalment, etiology, pathogenesis, and prognosis of diseases presented, analysis of laboratory data, prognosis. Turn in the papers to Dr. Hays as an attachment to an email. Here are some good examples: C. Difficile and Parkinson’s.
- The last (3rd) paper is an analysis of the internship. Provide a summary of your experience. What went well and what did not. Provide information that will allow us to improve the internship in the future.
- A formal evaluation will be done at University of Colorado Hospital too.
The following are the minimum requirements for each grade:
GRADE of “A”
- 3 excellent papers turned in before finals week of the semester. After you turn in the first paper, Dr. Hays will provide feedback as to whether or not it is considered an “excellent” paper. If it is not, suggestions will be provided to make it an excellent paper. You will have a chance to redo the first paper to change it to an “excellent” paper if you wish.
- A majority of “high” evaluations from your volunteer supervisor at the hospital.
- Completion of the 90 hours by finals week.
GRADE of “B”
- 3 very good papers turned in before finals week of the semester. After you turn in the first paper, Dr. Hays will provide feedback as to whether or not it is considered a “very good” paper. You will have a chance to redo the first paper to change it to an “excellent” paper if you wish.
- A majority of “medium” evaluations from your volunteer supervisor at the hospital.
- Completion of the 90 hours by finals week.
GRADE of “C”
- 3 good papers turned in before finals week of the semester. After you turn in the first paper, Dr. Hays will provide feedback as to whether or not it is considered a “good” paper. You will have a chance to redo the first paper to change it to an “excellent” paper if you wish.
- A majority of “moderate” evaluations from your volunteer supervisor at the hospital.
- Completion of the 90 hours by finals week.
GRADE of “D”
- 2 average papers turned in before finals week of the semester. After you turn in the first paper, Dr. Hays will provide feedback as to whether or not it is considered a “below average” paper. You will have a chance to redo the first paper to change it to an “excellent” paper if you wish.
- A majority of “low” evaluations from your volunteer supervisor at the hospital.
- Completion of the 90 hours by finals week.
GRADE of “F”
- Handing in fewer than 3 required papers.
- A majority of “low” evaluations from your volunteer supervisor at the hospital.
- Not completing the 90 hours by finals week.
If you run into any problems with the internship, contact one of the key personnel listed above sooner, rather than later. If you have difficulty with any of your volunteer experiences, contact Jennifer Ricklefs.
Helpful Tips from a MedVantage Student:
For those students that are going into this program in the future here are a few handy suggestions that will really help you out.
1) When you first arrive the staff will not know why you are there. Make yourself know by introducing yourself to everyone and tell them why you are there. Make sure you emphasize that you want to learn and what you want to see.
2) Try to be adventurous and feel free to wonder around the hospital and visit different departments. When you visit another department tell them why you are there and that you would like to learn about their departments. You will be surprised at how accommodating the staff might be.
3) Have patience; realize that the staff is there to serve the patients and not you. They are volunteering their time to teach you. Therefore try to help them out whenever you can. If you see they are business let them know you are willing to help them however you can.
4) Don’t go on a shadowing experiences without reading something about the field first. You will only get as much out of the experience as you put into it. If you know something about the field before you go in then you can ask questions about what you are seeing. Otherwise you might feel a little overwhelmed by everything that is going on and you will miss out on a very good opportunity to learn.
5) Try to figure out what interests you and attempt to work in that department. Try your best to support the staff whenever you can. The staff is much more willing to help someone out that helps them out.
6) Try to have fun and relax. Don’t feel like you should know everything and remember there is no such thing as a foolish question. Remember you are there to learn. My experiences with the staff showed that they were more than willing to answer any question that I had and I had quite a few!
Student Support:
Access Center for Disability Accommodations and Adaptive Technology www.msudenver.edu/access; 303-556-8387; Plaza 122.
Counseling Center (provides help with test anxiety) 303-556-3132; Tivoli 651.
Tutoring Center 303-556-4048, Student Success Bldg 230