1. Name the general components of the circulatory system.
2. Review the general function of the circulatory system.
3. Discuss the ontogeny and phylogeny of this system.
4. Define plasma.
5. List the three formed elements in blood and briefly discuss their functions.
6. Define hemopoiesis. Name the blood stem cell.
7. Discuss the development of the heart.
8. List the layers of the heart wall.
9. Name the membranes and cavity around the heart.
10. List the four heart parts of a gill breathing fish. Describe their single circuit of circulation.
11. Locate the hear valves and explain their purpose.
12. Define bulbus arteriosus. Explain its function. Which animals possess it.
13. Describe the two circuit heart of lungfish and amphibians. Address any significant changes in their hearts in comparison to the heart of gill breathing fish.
14. List the heart chambers of the amniote heart.
15. Discuss the significance of the sinus venosus. Name the vertebrates that possess it.
16. Characterize the SA node and name the vertebrates that possess it.
17. Depict the partitions and valves between amniote heart chambers.
18. Define auricle. Name those animals that have it.
19. Trace the circulation through a typical amniote heart.
20. Describe the basic pattern of arterial distribution. Identify which direction arterial blood travels.
21. Discuss the ventral aorta, arches, and circulatory routes in fish {include sharks, teleosts, and lungfish}.
22. Describe the general pattern for tetrapod aortic arches. Distinguish the arches amongst amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
23. Identify the following arteries and discuss their derivations: common carotid, external carotid, internal carotid, right subclavian, pulmonary trunk, aortic trunk, ductus arteriosus, and ductus caroticus.
24. Describe the general pattern of the dorsal aorta, including the following branches: visceral branches, lateral visceral branches, and somatic branches.
25. Characterize the venous blood flow patterns in the vertebrates; include the following streams: Cardinal stream, renal portal stream, hepatic portal stream, hepatic sinuses, and lateral abdominal stream.
26. Describe the following veins: internal jugular, brachiocephalic, azygous/hemiazygous, precavae, superior vena cava, iliac, subclavian, umbilical,ductus venosus, round ligament, ligamentum venosum, subintestinal, vitelline and inferior vena cava (postcava).
27. Define portal and trunk as they relate to circulation.
28. Trace the blood flow from the right atrium and back to the right atrium in a mammalian fetus.
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