A. Pectoral girdle
1. Clavicle – collar bone
2. Scapula
a. Spine
b. Acromion process
c. Coracoid process
d. Glenoid fossa
e. Supraspinous fossa
f. Infraspinous fossa
g. Subscapular fossa
B. Pectoral appendage [30 bones each ] = Upper extremity
1. Humerus – bone of the “brachium”
a. Head
b. Shaft
c. Greater and lesser tubercles
d. Deltoid tuberosity
e. Trochlea
f. Capitulum
g. Medial and lateral epicondyles
2. Radius – lateral bone of “antebrachium”
a. Head
b. Styloid process
3. Ulna – medial bone of “antebrachium”
a. Olecranon process
b. Semilunar = Trochlear notch
c. Styloid process
4. Carpals – 8 bones of the carpus arranged in two rows of four
5. Metacarpals – five bones of your “manus”
6. Phalanges (Phalanx) – bones of your five digits; digit one is the “pollex”
C. Pelvic girdle
1. Os coxa = Coxal bone, formed by the joining of three fetal bones: Ilium, Ischium, Pubis
a. Ilium
b. Ischium
c. Pubis
d. Sacroiliac joint
e. Iliac crest
f. Ischial tuberosity
g. Obturator foramen
h. Pubic symphysis
i. Acetabulum
2. If time, Male vs. Female pelvis
D. Pelvic appendage
1. Femur – bone of the thigh
a. Head
b. Greater and lesser trochanter
c. Lateral and medial condyles
d. Lateral and medial epicondyles
e. Linea aspera
2. Patella
3. Tibia – medial bone of the leg
a. Lateral and medial condyles
b. Tibial tuberosity
c. Medial malleolus
4. Fibula – lateral bone of the leg
a. Lateral malleolus
5. Tarsal bones – 7 bones of the “tarsus”
a. Calcaneous
b. Talus
6. Metatarsals – 5 bones of the “pes”
7. Phalanges – bones of the five digits, including the first digit, the “hallux”