Syllabus – Hybrid, BIO 2320, Spring 2016

Human Anatomy and Physiology II, Hybrid

Welcome: Welcome to Human Anatomy and Physiology II online. This course is a HYBRID Online course. It combines required weekly laboratory meetings on campus, with the use of the electronic classroom on the Internet for the “lecture portion” of the course. YOU MUST ATTEND WEEKLY LABORATORIES in Science 2087 or 2089 . The laboratories are traditional laboratory sessions which allow the seeing, touching and feeling of body structures that is not available on the computer. This allows for a better understanding of body structures and their relationships. This class is NOT a self-paced course. You MUST complete assignments and exams by the dates provided on the McGraw-Hill Connect website and below in  this syllabus.

REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS 1. Seeley’s Anatomy & Physiology, 10th Ed., by Van Putte, Regan and Russo including access to Mc-Graw Hill Connect; 2. Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual, 11th Ed. – Cat version, by Elaine Marieb
REQUIRED LABORATORY SUPPLIES: 1. Dissecting kit including a scalpel with replaceable blades, a blunt probe, and small scissors, 2. Not required, but strongly recommended, are disposable gloves and a lab coat or an old shirt to protect your clothing. Respirators with filters and eye goggles are available upon request.

The URL for initial registration into your course is unique for this course.  You initially go to:

Once here, you click “Register Now” and it will bring up 3 options.  First is to use the code in your book if you purchased it new from the Auraria bookstore.  The second option is to purchase a registration ($120 and it comes with e-book), and third is to try a 14 day courtesy trial while you are awaiting your financial aid money to arrive.  You will set up an account based on your email address and a password that you create. 

After the initial set up, you will always login to your course through the following URL:  For any technical problems, call McGraw-Hill tech support at 800-331-5094.

On the McGraw-Hill website, you will find your home page that has all of the LearnSmart assignments with their due dates as well as a link to the four exams and their availability dates.  You will also find a link to your e-book, this syllabus, and a couple of other useful links containing outlines and objectives.  From the course homepage, the “Performance”, “Reports” tab is where you will find your LearnSmart grades and your exam grades.



Week 1 Review of Terminology and ANS Chapter 1, Chapter 16
Week 2 Endocrine System Chapter 17, 18
Week 3 Blood Chapter 19
During Week 4 Feb 11-13 EXAM 1
Week 4,5 Heart Chapter 20
Week 6 Blood Vessels Chapter 21
Week 7 Lymphatics Chapter 22
During Week 8 Mar 10-12 EXAM 2
Week 9, 10 Respiratory System Chapter 23
Week 11,12 Digestive System Chapters 24,25
During Week 12 Apr 14-16 EXAM 3
Week 13 Urinary System Chapter 26
Week 14 Reproductive System Chapter 28
Week 15 Development Chapter 29
During Finals Week May 12-14 EXAM 4

For information on academic policies, please see:

For information on drop dates, see academic calendar:



There will be 4 lecture exams, each worth 50 points (50 questions) for a total of 200 points. All exams are online and taken at the McGraw-Hill Connect site.  Lecture exams consist of multiple choice and true/false questions. Exams cover the same material that you will be studying in the LearnSmart modules described below.  My traditional A&P outlines and objectives are on my homepage are useful in studying for online exams (especially the objectives). You may access my homepage at

You will be give one chance to take each exam and a time limit of 50 minutes.  Click on Submit Assignment upon finishing exams.  All exams must be taken during the dates listed on the Connect homepage.   To prevent any computer problems during the exams, try the “Practice Exam,” worth zero points, to make sure the format works with your computer.  Any technical problems you experience during exams require that you immediately contact McGraw Hill Tech support (info at the end of this syllabus) AND your instructor.

There will not be any exam (lab or lecture) make-ups allowed excepting for extenuating circumstances. If this occurs, I must be notified in person or by phone message BEFORE the exam begins. Lab exam make-ups MUST be taken within one week of scheduled exam date.

Tips for success on the exams: Completing the LearnSmart modules AND glancing at my learning objectives for each exam from my homepage at  (Note, look for a link to the answers to those lecture objectives at the bottom of my course homepage at this site too.)

You may see your exam score through the “REPORTS” page from your Connect homepage under “PERFORMANCE.”  There will not be any exam make-ups allowed excepting for extenuating circumstances, and documentation of the circumstance (e.g. doctor’s note) will be required. If this occurs, I must be notified by email BEFORE the exam period expires.


You will be required to  complete a LearnSmart chapter module from the Connect site for each chapter that is covered in this course.  You can access the LearnSmart modules by clicking each chapter assignment from your homepage.  Then you should read the chapter, especially the highlighted sections.  Now you can complete the LearnSmart flashcards by clicking on Practice from the menu on the left.   The Practice option IS the LearnSmart flash cards.    Now just click on the deck of LearnSmart cards that show up on your left.   Ideally, you should first read the text chapter and then attempt the corresponding LearnSmart modules.  Each set of LearnSmart chapter assignments corresponds to the four lecture exams and the points available for the modules total 100 points for each set of chapters.  Note that there are due dates for these modules.  If you don’t complete a module by the due date, a score will automatically be recorded for your work up until the due date.  Your percent completion may be found on the “My Reports” tab, then “Current Learning Status” from each chapter assignment.  Please note, that these modules are time-consuming and should not be done at the last minute!  As you do the LearnSmart modules, you determine their difficulty level as well as answer the questions so that the system may measure and follow your progress.  You may do the LearnSmart flash cards more, even if you have 100% completion, as this completion percent will not change.   For more details, read the FAQs below and in LearnSmart.


You must attend traditional on-campus laboratories each week. Lab Exams: Although labs vary depending on the instructor, most have 3 lab exams, taken in your lab room, each worth 50 points. (Lab exams will consist of short answer and identification questions.)  Laboratory grades count for 150 points towards your total points.

Make up exams may be given for extenuating circumstances as long as your lab instructor is notified BEFORE the lab exam begins.  Make up lab exams will be primarily a one-on-one identification of lab specimens.

The total number of points possible for the course is 750. Letter grades will be assigned on a percentage basis, as follows:

A 675-750
B 600-674
C 525-599
D 450-524
F Fewer than 450

Student behavior:

  1. a) The student assumes certain obligations of performance and behavior while attending MSU Denver. Refer to the student standards of conduct in your Student Handbook.
  2. b) Cheating of any sort will result in immediate expulsion with a grade of F.

Campus closure:

Campus Closure for snow days: Call 1-877-556-3637 for a recording to find out if the campus is closed.

Student Support:

Access Center for Disability Accommodations and Adaptive Technology; 303-556-8387; Plaza Suite 122.

Counseling Center (provides help with test anxiety) 303-556-3132; Tivoli 651.

Tutoring Center 303-556-6439; Tivoli 219; online tutoring is free for 20 hours per year at – click on the student tab to log in for your free tutoring.

Class attendance on religious holidays:

Students at MSU Denver who, because of their sincerely held religious beliefs, are unable to attend classes, take examinations, participate in graded activities or submit graded assignments on particular days shall, without penalty, be excused from such classes and be given a meaningful opportunity to make up such examinations and graded activities or assignments provided that advance written notice that the students will be absent for religious reasons is given to faculty members during the first two weeks of the semester.

Nothing in paragraph 1 of this policy shall require MSU Denver faculty members to reschedule classes, repeat lectures or other ungraded activities or provide ungraded individualized instruction solely for the benefit of students, who for religious reasons, are unable to attend regularly scheduled classes or activities. However, presentations, critiques, conferences and similar activities involving students shall be scheduled to avoid conflicts with such students’ religious observances or holidays, provided that reasonable advance notice of scheduling conflicts is given to faculty members. Because classroom attendance and participation is an important aspect of learning, MSU Denver students should not register for courses if regularly scheduled classes or activities routinely conflict with their observances or holidays (e.g. conflicts resulting in weekly absences for an entire semester.) Any MSU Denver student who believes that an MSU Denver faculty member has violated this policy is entitled to seek relief under Section V of the MSU Denver Equal Opportunity Grievance Procedure.

Americans With Disabilities Act:

Academic dishonesty:

Academic dishonesty is a serious offense at the College because it diminishes the quality of scholarship and the learning experience for everyone on campus. An act of Academic Dishonesty may lead to sanctions including a reduction in grade, probation, suspension, or expulsion. Academic dishonesty includes cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, submitting the same paper or work for more than one class, and facilitating academic dishonesty. For definitions and more information, see the Student Handbook which is available online through Connect U.  “As students, faculty, staff and administrators of Metropolitan State University of Denver, it is our responsibility to uphold and maintain an academic environment that furthers scholarly inquiry, creative activity and the application of knowledge.  We will not tolerate academic dishonesty.  We will demonstrate honesty and integrity in all activities related to our learning and scholarship.  We will not plagiarize, fabricate information or data, cheat on tests or exams, steal academic material, or submit work to more than one class without full disclosure.”

FAQs for Connect:

May I post messages on McGraw Hill Connect?  Only your instructor may post messages, if you need to get a message to me, use my email.

What are my grades on Learn Smart modules?  You will only receive a grade on the Learn Smart modules if, either you complete the entire module OR the due date has passed .  The homepage shows the due date for all Learn Smart modules as well as the dates during which you must take the four exams.  The homepage will show “completed” in the status column only if you have finished 100% of the Learn Smart module.  If the status reads “in progress,” you have not yet COMPLETED the module.  Find your grades from the course homepage by clicking on Performance, Reports.

Why is my grade for the Learn Smart module not on the Reports tab found under “Performance” on my homepage?  The Reports tab shows your completion status on the modules and will show that in points once you have completed a LearnSmart module or are past the due date.

How do I know how much of the module I have left, because I clicked submit and thought I was done with the module?  Click on the module you have worked on from the homepage.  Now, go to the My Reports option and click on Current Learning Status to see percent completion.   If it doesn’t say 100%, you still have more questions to go.

Can I still practice on the Learn Smart deck even if I have already completed that chapter?  Yes!  Just click on the chapter assignment of LearnSmart Practice and continue to practice.  This won’t affect the fact that you already have 100% completion.

How do I find a grade for partially completed Learn Smart modules?  Remember, these grades won’t be officially reported for incomplete modules until the due date has passed.  But, if you want to get an idea how many you are answering correctly, click on the Current Learning Status for the chapter you are in, and then click on % Topic Scores.  It shows your current % correct.

How do I exit a Learn Smart module if I must leave but have not reached a computer-set end of section?  Just click on the Leave Assignment button and then you can Return to Section Home and sign out.

How do I continue working on the Learn Smart modules even though the computer thinks I should take a break?  You can re-enter the LearnSmart Modules at any time from the course homepage.

Does the time listed next to the “in progress” modules mean I only have that much time before I am late finishing that assignment?  No, the work left is the computer’s estimate on how long it will take the average student to complete a module.  Your due date is listed next to the assignments on the homepage. All modules for this course will read “in progress” until you complete them or the due date has passed.

These modules are taking SO LONG to complete, how can I speed them up?  Read your BOOK!!  The Learn Smart system remediates you based on the type and number of questions you miss.  The more you get correct, the quicker you will be done.  So, obviously looking at the corresponding chapter on the eBook (available from homepage) or your textbook BEFORE you start the modules will increase your success in the modules and get you out of the quicker.  If you are fed up with any certain chapter modules, you may go on and accept the grade you get once the due date has passed, but incomplete modules will not receive a 100%.

How do I navigate the SmartBook?  Once in the chapter assignment, click on the “Read” icon.  You can refer to particular parts of the e-book as you do the LearnSmart modules as well.   “Recharge”  is reviewing previously completed materials.  You can choose any chapter to read by clicking on the Table of Contents tab located on the menu on the left side of your screen.

How do I get technical help  from McGraw Hill?; or contact Support – 800-331-5094

Which web browser is most compatible with Connect?  Most browsers work, but make sure Java is up to date.   Make sure to take the Practice Test before Exam One to make sure your computer browser works with Connect.