1. Name the protective coverings of the brain.
2. Name and locate the brain ventricles. (What is a ventricle?)
3. Describe how these ventricles interconnect.
4. Explain the formation of CSF, and describe its circulation.
5. Describe the function of CSF.
6. Name the 4 main parts of the brain.
7. Name the 3 parts of the brain stem and describe their locations.
8. Which cranial nerves originate from the brain stem?
9. Explain why the right cerebrum controls left muscular movements of the body.
10. Describe the functions of the medulla oblongata.
11. Describe the function of the reticular formations (Reticular Activating System).
12. Describe the function of the pons.
13. Describe the function of all of the parts of the mesencephalon.
14. Name the 2 main components of the diencephalon. Describe their locations and functions.
15. Name the largest portion of the human brain.
16. Define cerebral cortex.
17. Define gyrus, convolution, sulcus and fissure as they relate to the cerebrum.
18. Name the 4 lobes of the cerebrum.
19. Name the 3 fiber tracts in the white matter of the cerebrum. Describe their general functions.
20. Name the furrow that divides the cerebrum into left and right hemispheres. How are these hemispheres internally connected?
21. Name the surface layer of gray matter of the cerebrum. Name the gray matter just deep to this.
22. Name the 9 main functional areas of the cerebral cortex. Describe the basic functions of each area and their general location (i.e. lobe).
23. Describe the general function of the basal nuclei.
24. Describe the location and function of the limbic system.
25. Contrast functions of the left vs right hemispheres of the brain.
26. Describe the location and function of the cerebellum. Name the furrow that divides the cerebellum from the cerebrum.
27. Define cranial and mixed nerve.
28. Name the cranial nerves, their function, whether they are mixed, and through which foramen/foramina each travels.
29. Describe the sensory pathways to the brain.
30. Describe the motor pathways away from the brain.
31. Define UMN (upper motor neuron) and LMN (lower motor neuron).
32. Describe some possible mechanisms of memory.